Could reading help us run a better business? Or could books help us with blogging and social media engagement?
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them, said Mark Twain. The Slovak Proverb continues- tell me what you read, and I will tell you who you are! Harry S. Truman sums it up by saying –Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.
Do you read books? Here are 4 reasons why we need to read:
1. Change our mindset
2. Think outside the box
3. Learn how business owners or leaders overcame challenges
4. Give us new ideas for blogging
These are 5 books for blogging and social media that are and will be on my nightstand this fall:
The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk
The world of content (blogging) is shifting so fast and word of mouth marketing (social media) is moving even faster, these two collide to create the “Thank You Economy.” (Source: Gary Vaynerchuk)
This is required reading for anyone who has an online business presence or who is still thinking about the relevance of social media and blogging. This is a book full of ideas, tools, and approaches to building strong relationships with clients while building your business.
Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk
This is an older book by Gary but still relevant for business owners. This book will inspire and show you how to use the power of the Internet and bring your passion into your business. It’s a simple book with the power to help you dream again and use the strategies to create a business based on your passion.
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt
“You can’t succeed without a platform”, said Michael Hyatt. You will not stand out if you don’t know your platform. Even Ms. America has to mention her platform when she competes for the title. Your blog and social media channels need a platform to stand out.
According to Michael Hyatt, to go to the next level business owners need a platform that provides visibility, amplification and connection.
The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
Over 4 million copies of this book are sold worldwide. Dr. Schwartz gives useful methods to help us believe we can succeed, think and dream creatively, make our attitudes our allies, turn defeat into victory, use goals to help us grow and many more. Mindsets have been changed because of this book.
Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, EBooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business by Ann Handley and CC. Chapman. This book has all the practical advice for writing, creating and sharing content. The title of the book says them all.
Books may shorten our learning curve and our path to success. Effective business owners are lifelong learners. Things keep on changing in our world and what we know may be obsolete one day. Reading books and blog posts that bring value to us are ways to help us in our learning processes.
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