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“Make a commitment to be here 18 months from now”, said Angela Brooks during a recent Starr Host recorded teleclass. Angela has created outstanding success as a Distributor with a Direct Sales Network Marketing Company, Young Living Essential Oils by using some simple tools, techniques and training over and over again.

The uniqueness to her success is that she doesn’t use the telephone or do any in person or group trainings. What does she use? She uses 3 simple tools and training.

#1 A Website Blog: Angela posts a new blog up twice a week. In addition on her site you will find other free information, products she loves and sells, her downloadable book, her speaking engagements and much more.

#2 Social Media: Angela can be found on a myriad of Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Four Square but I would say one of her favorites is Twitter.  She has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter.

#3 Email Marketing: Angela has thousands of clients and prospective clients who have opted into her weekly emails and newsletters via her blog and Social media.  She gives them quality information weekly, keeps them up to date of her events, contests, specials and more.

These 3 tools have helped created thousands of relationships and offer valuable information and products to those people. BUT don’t think you can have these 3 tools and use them for 18 months and do as well as Angela has… because she has one more SECRET WEAPON.

Angela was a mental health nurse for over 25 years. To say she was a little burned out was an understatement. But she had a dream and the drive to do something more. So she found Direct Sales and Network Marketing. She did okay, but she felt like she was spending a lot of time and energy and not getting the results she wanted.

Then she found Sandi Krakowski from she began with a $97 class, then invested in a more costly copywriting course, she learned how to blog, write emails, do Social media and more.  She continued to invest in her education and each month she continued to implement.

Basically she went back to school but the great thing about this school is you can make money immediately. Has her investment paid off? Well in her teleclass recording she says it has PAID OFF very WELL! She stated that you wouldn’t recognize your life 18 months from now if you follow this. That sure is true for Angela. She was promoted to a DAY JOB Teaching Advisor position where she happily teaches new nurses and shares with them some pointers how NOT to get burned out.

For more information about the training Angela has taken visit our Resource page at and if you missed this interview with Angela go to

So ask yourself are you ready to make an 18 month commitment to improve your business, increase your profits, and change your life? Let us know over on our Facebook Page.

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