On Monday I shared with you about my strawberries and today is another farming story, but particularly a dairy farmer. Our 90 plus year old friend Gordon Stowell was a dairy farmer for over 50 years of his life. In conversations about his life, he shares about the amount of work that went into dairy farming seven days a week, feeding, milking, and the maintenance of the cows. There was a system they followed to grow a successful dairy farm.
Now we are watching the Olympic athletes and Olympic hopefuls on TV during the qualifiers. These Olympic athletes follow a similar strict schedule, many working out 7 days a week. They are focused on a goal and their goal is to win and they are doing what it takes to achieve that.
So what do the Dairy Farmer and the Olympic Athlete have to do with you? As a business owner utilizing the online tools of Blogging, Social Media and Email, there is a system of success for us too.
1) Consistent Blogging
2) Consistent Newsletter email
3) Consistent interaction in Social Media
4) Consistently growing our list
Are you doing these things consistently? Are you missing some of the tools to even start these things like a WordPress Website, a reliable email system, the right social media set ups, and marketing to grow your lists? Maybe you don’t even know what a blog is, or what a list is and why you need it.
On Thursday July 12th at 9:30pm EST we are hosting a very special teleclass helping YOU understand the basics of growing an online business. Are you ready to understand the fundamentals?
If so then go over to our page and register. Yes it was and is specifically directed to educating a group of Young Living Distributors but every business owner can benefit from the information. And we are offering it FREE.
So go on over to our YL Convention page and we will see you July 12th at 9:30pm EST.
I am working on the consistency daily