If you are anything like me, you can get lost in all the constant changes in technology. As a Social Media Manager, part of what I do is try to stay on top of any new information or technique. I must admit, some of the concepts were a challenge but one I was up to.
Hashtags—the word sounded like something we should be cooking, not a social media tool. # meant number to me; I mean that is what it represents on the keyboard. The # is a hash symbol which is how it came to be known as a hash tag. In the social media world it represents a hashtag in Twitter (but now applies in Pinterest too).
The definition of a hashtag is that it is a mark (#) or prefix that is used to indicate keywords within a tweet. This tag improves chances that Twitter users find a topic or category–quicker.
Hashtagging is an excellent way to “Trend a Topic.” Most popular tweets have hashtags like Justin Bieber or American Idol. They became popular using the #hashtags.
If your product or website is all about wellness that is one word you will always tag in your tweets. An example is: #Wellness information can be found at www.thetotalwellnesdoc.com/ This not only shows the website but makes it easier for search engines to grab a hold of wellness when you are seeking relatable information regarding that subject.
Use a hashtag symbol [#] before pertinent #keyword in your tweet. This helps to classify or group your tweets.
When doing a Twitter search you will find your topic easier and faster.
It is possible to click on a hashtag and discover other tweets related to your tag. (For example: #Courageous movie will show you all the tweets regarding that movie, or #Titanic3D will show you the latest tweets about the release of Titanic 3D).
You can place a hashtag anywhere within your tweet.
There are a few rules regarding hashtags. It is advisable to not use more than 3 within your tweet. Always be sure the hashtag is relevant to your topic—if it about mommies, your hashtag should be #mommy.
Hashtags [#] is an essential social media tool when running a business that depends on the “reach” your tweets will have. Sandi Krakowski (www.arealchange.com) states that:
“The difference between #social media and #social #media can go from millions to billions.”
Hashtags have created a community within Twitter. Just do not place your #lace last in your tweet.
Now, if you are on Pinterest, by utilizing a hashtag for say #Lace, you will pull up all pins related to lace and join fellow lace “pinners.”
Anyone can create a hashtag and therefore a community of people who have that tag in common. First do a Google search to be sure what topics related to your tag are already out there.
I did mine on mentally ill teens. I found tags for #teens and #mentalillness, but not specific enough to what I wanted to make this tag “live.” So I tweeted– [More resources are needed for #teens w/ #mental #illnesses]. Hopefully this will get more specific tweets that will help any parent hoping to find resources and programs that will help with this theme.
Using a hashtag can help get your message or product tweeted more consistently and to a much broader audience. So if want to promote your business or search for a definite topic you need to get “Hashtagging.”
Debbie Twomey has dedicated over 45 years of her life to the care and welfare of children across the U.S. and the journey has been a growing and learning experience that she feels privileged to share with others. Social Media was a new direction in Debbie’s life as a result of her work as a Virtual Assistant. She has been trained and certified by Sandi Krakowski from www.arealchange.com/blog as a Social Media Manager. Her awesome and funny personality blends great in creating relationships on line for her clients. Today she helps many busy Entrepreneurs and Work at Home Moms spend more quality time with their families by assisting them with their online and Social Media needs. Learn more about Debbie at www.djtwomey.com
liking the bio–#hashtag #funny