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Adding a widget to your sidebar not only beautifies your site, it creates an easy way for readers to navigate when they come to your WordPress website.

For example, TheTotalWellnessDoc has this widget on the sidebar:


You can easily do the same, here is how:

1. Select the image you want.
2. Log in to your WordPress website and click on “add new page”.
3. Click on the body of the page and click “add media”.


4. Scale the image to the right size. For this image on the TotalWellnessDoc website, we need 200 x 150. Test the size of the image selected on your website.


5. Insert the image to the page.
6. Select the PAGE or POST you want the image to link to. Here we want it to link to HEALTH AND TRAVEL page.
7. Click on the image on the page and click hyperlink exactly like the image below. Remember to check “open link in a new window/tab.


8. Click on “Text” next to “Visual” on the top right and you will get codes just like below.


9. Grab the code and click on “Appearance” and “widget”.


10. Choose where you want to add your widget in the sidebar, open the text and paste the code to the text box. Save. Check how it looks on your website.


You have just created an image widget. You can create one for an affiliate product or service, to a highlighted page on your website or to your Instagram page.

Not everyone can do everything. I believe if you are struggling and can’t figure out how to create a page, it may be time to pay someone to do it. Inaction and procrastination are not the answers to success. Tony Robbins said “the path to success is to take massive, determined action.”

For our Free Report on “10 Steps to Optimize your WordPress Website and Increase Web Traffic”, download it here. Don’t miss out on important information to enhance your website.

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