Excessive time devoted to watching TV could be a waste of time but after you read this blog, you may view it differently. What if a few minutes of TV could help you with blog content, writing better headlines and give you ideas on your own business promotions and ads?
We don’t spend time a lot of time watching TV but my wife and I were discussing about the commercials we watched when we were little and how they enticed us to buy and the jingles still ring in our head sometimes. And how these days you can watch short news online with commercials through various TV networks’ websites.
While doing research, I came across a full episode of The Revolution, the new Fall NBC’s sci-fi series where technology went on strike and the world is upside down. It is so intriguing to see computers, planes, cars, lights…nothing works. Of course with free viewing you get to watch commercials just like the TV.
Here are a few headlines and catchy phrases that caught my attention while watching The Revolution and also ‘surfing the channels’ while online:
“The welcoming scent of lavender quickly fills your home”
“One of a kind scent, open up and invite life in”
“We’ll see where the waves is taking me”
“It doesn’t matter how you present it”
“$7 million in gold found in man’s home”
“Not every meal is about food”
“There’s more to enjoy….”
“Partner up! Who would you partner up with? Vote and don’t miss the Partners series premiere”
On the show’s official page http://www.nbc.com/revolution/, you get ideas for writing and doing banner ads like this screenshot from the site:
Remember you cannot copy everything. You get an idea of how banner ads could look like. For example here is our banner ad on arealchange.com/blog website for the Orlando GPS event:
On the same NBC page, there is a call to action to like their page on Facebook. The picture is a clickable link with call to action words like:
“Like Revolution on Facebook”
When you scroll down, you see topics like:
“Survival Guide: Water”
“Check out eco-friendly survival tips”
“Survival: Facts or Fiction?”
“The Haunting Beauty of Abandoned Places”
Now did you see how many headline, ideas for banner ads, blog post ideas and call to action words you can use for your website?
The next time you watch TV, get a pen and paper handy and jot down all the headlines, words, call to actions that draw you. Those may be the words to use for your own blog posts, headlines for Facebook and Twitter posts and many more.
Did this help? Blogging consistently is important for your website. Let’s do it today with a little help from TV commercials.
Credit: Words in double quotation marks are taken from various commercials shown on NBC.com and The Revolution’s page on NBC.