Dream big, start small is one of the quotes given in the movie trailer “Pay it Forward”. Have you ever felt like nobody is reading your blog posts or you are not moving forward with your online business after three or six months?
Is it possible that one idea could change the world?
I realized to get ahead, we need to help others get ahead and to be blessed even more we need to bless others by giving love, compliments and gifts. The online business world and social media platforms have brought about a change recently. We are going back to the basics, like the old hometown ‘mom and pop’ concept and ways of doing business…where everybody knows your name.
The time is now to change the world, pay it forward one person at a time. You never know where and who you can reach. If you look at your WordPress blog’s Google Analytics you will see where your readers are from. Imagine what you have written yesterday was read by a single mom in Croatia who was about to give up on life? Or a teen in Cambodia who was desperately in need of the story you just published on your blog?
You can impact the world. It is no longer just the big guys that can make it in the business world. The “mom and pop” Internet store (WordPress Blog) belonging to you and I can impact the world just like Forbes or Huffington Post.
Are you paying forward with your blogging, social media and email on a weekly basis?
If you impact one person, he or she will pass it on to another and another. Here is the trailer of the movie “Pay It Forward”:
Here a class assignment of random acts of kindness changed the whole community through the action of one single 12 year old. Trevor took action and “paid it forward” without thinking first the reward or the ROI. His reward was bigger than you could ever imagine.
You “pay it forward” by setting up your ‘mom and pop’ Internet store with your WordPress blog. To many of us, that is a new frontier.
One of the keys discussed in Gary Vaynerchuk’s “The Thank You Economy” is gratitude and relationships. He said:
How we cultivate our relationships is often the greatest determinant of the type of life we get to live. Business is no different. Real business isn’t done in board meetings. It’s done over half-eaten plate of buffalo wings at the sports bar…through an enthusiastic greeting…an unexpected recommendation…offering up your cab when it’s raining.” (The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk)
Are you offering up your cab when it’s raining to a stranger?
It’s my intent in this blog post to encourage you to blog consistently and continue to engage with your prospects every day with your WordPress blog, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter and through e-newsletters.
Someone is waiting for you to “pay it forward.” Please share your thoughts. Head over to our Facebook page and let us know how we can serve you.