Launching a new business from the ground up requires time and money investment. It is like building a home or purchasing a brand new car. We are required to purchase insurance for homes and cars if we apply for loans. Mostly, we purchase insurance to have peace of mind, backups and for the just in case. We maintain our home and insurance so they will run smoothly year after year.
Likewise your new investment, that is your website. It requires backups and maintenance. You may have heard or used the backup plug in found in WordPress called WP DBManager. This plug in allows you to optimize, backup, restore, delete backup database but is your data securely backed up?
From experience we have had clients lose some of their data or all of them without them knowing it. Not all of us are techie or know the ins and outs of backups and maintenance. You probably can’t fix your air-conditioning in your home or car if they break down because fixing them requires high technical skills.
Are you leaving your new investment to chances? What if all the data on your site disappears?
We have been doing backups and maintenance for websites for decades. We know the proper backups and maintenance needed for your website. Backups and maintenance are absolutely necessary to grow your online business.
Imagine a car or home without backups and maintenance? What will it cost you? So to answer the many frequently asked questions about what is important after birthing and launching a new business, our answer is protect your new investment with proper backups and maintenance.
Take a look at your options below:
Next we will show you how to evaluate your progress with Google Analytics. If you have any questions about backups and maintenance please submit a ticket through here.