
According to TweetMeme, TweetMeme is a service, which aggregates all the popular links on Twitter to determine which links are popular. It categorizes these links into Categories, Subcategories and channels. Readers could filter out and read only the posts they have interest in.

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Why is it important to have the TweetMeme button on your WordPress blog?

With a click of the button, you could share or retweet your content to your Twitter followers. The cool thing is the URL or your blog post, which could be very long sometimes are shortened automatically, leaving you room to add attention-grabbing words to your 140-character tweet.

It is quite frustrating to have that TweetMeme button showing you a question mark occasionally. The question mark means you can’t tweet and may lose quite a bit of traffic to your blog for the day.

Here are ways to eliminate the question mark:

Whenever an error occurs, your tweet counts disappear and a question mark appeared on your blog posts. Error happens for several reasons. It could be
• The page is blacklisted
• TweetMeme crawler is receiving a redirect
• TweetMeme is unable to contact your blog

How do you fix this problem?

Step One:
If this is working in all the pages except one or two, it is most likely just a glitch with TweetMeme plugin
You will log in to WordPress Dashboard
On the left menu click “Settings”
Then click on “Permalinks”
Select “Default”
Then click the “Save changes” button
Click on your site and refresh the page
Your retweet TweetMeme button should work
It will show 0 on your button

Step Two:
We want to set the Permalinks back to the original. So here is what we should do:
Log into WordPress Dashboard
Left menu click “Settings”
Then click “Permalinks”
Select “Custom Structure”
Set it to /%postname%
Click the “Save Changes” button
Now your permalinks is back to the original
TweetMeme should work now.

If it happens again, follow the same steps as above. The little TweetMeme Button plays an important role to your blog post visibility.

Briefly, if you are new to Twitter, Twitter is like text messaging online restricted to 140 characters or less.  Business owners use Twitter to post own updates or view other users’ updates. You could reply publicly or privately (direct message) to your followers. You could retweet a post or a quote that you like. You can answer or reply to a question by hitting reply.

Twitter users could also post photos, videos and music. You could do searches on Twitter under the search tab.

To find out more about our Social Media services, please click on this link.

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